The issues involved in decisions that any instructor makes in any classroom can impact the effectiveness of that instruction. For example, the decision to videotape the speeches in a public speaking classroom involves a set of choices or requirements. The decision to videotape requires material resources (cameras), human resources (instructors trained in the use of the cameras), and a commitment on the part of the instructor (to incorporate student viewing of the material). The critical question is whether or not this expenditure of resources improves student learning or not (in this case a meta-analysis demonstrates that videotaping speeches improves student learning; Bourhis & Allen, 1998). The meta-analysis provides an answer to the question about whether or not to expect an improvement by changing educational practice. In theory, the purpose of departments and colleges of education should be the preparation and inspiration of persons for effective instruction. Documenting that such improvement takes place and continues to take place remains an important but unanswered question.