The process of therapeutic joining with a deaf client has been extensively described in the deafness literature. For example, Langholtz and Heller (1988), Sussman and Brauer (1999), and Sussman and Stewart (1971) stressed the importance of the therapist communicating with the client via his or her primary and preferred mode of communication, of understanding facts of deafness and of understanding the impact of special problems that deaf persons often experience. Dickens (1983, 1985), Holt, Siegelman, and Schlesinger (1981), and Pollard (1998) discussed the importance of therapist and patient expectations, involvement of third parties, problems of diagnosis, and modifications of therapeutic technique. Anderson and Rosten (1985), Christensen (2000), Glickman (1983, 1986), Glickman and Gulati (in press), Glickman and Harvey (1996), and Leigh and Lewis (1999) have delineated cross-cultural counseling issues; such as attitude, distance variables, eye contact, and information sharing. Moreover, Leigh (1999) described theoretical and practical issues of providing cross cultural treatment to a variety of populations within the deaf community; for example, African American, Asian American, Latino people, as well as those with specific conditions, such as HIV and Ushers syndrome.