It is vitally important that we develop, out of the authentic experience of Black people in this country, an accurate workable theory of Black psychology. It is very difficult, if not impossible to understand the lifestyles of Black people using traditional theories developed by White psychologists to explain White people. Moreover, when these traditional theories are applied to the lives of Black folks many incorrect, weakness-dominated, and inferiorityoriented conclusions come about.

White (1972, P. 5)

This chapter presents an overview of the theoretical construct and scoring system for The ContemporizedThemes Concerning Blacks Test (C-TCB) (Hoy, 1997). The C-TCB is a thematic apperception test for African Americans that was developed based on an Africentric theoretical framework. The test consists of 27 chromatic projective cards with thematic content that represents current-day situations commonly experienced within the African American community. The scoring system identifies eight aspects of personality traits and nine affective states. Based on the normative data, various affective states were attributed to each card. At least one aspect of personality functioning was attributed to each of the 27 projective cards. Results revealed a high degree of interrater reliability on 14 of the 27 thematic cards. Sample scoring and implications for future research are discussed.