When it was discovered that Johnny can’t read (Flesch,1955), his parents hired a tutor to help their son masterthis essential skill. Colleges and universities across the country employ individuals, often fellow students, to tutor students needing assistance in mastering a course. Students at Oxford University and Cambridge University learn many academic subjects from their interaction with an assigned tutor. Students aiming for admission to Ivy League universities hire tutors to help them prepare for the scholastic assessment tests. College juniors seek similar assistance to help them prepare for the medical college admissions test (MCAT) or the law school admissions text (LSAT). Tutoring has achieved even greater prominence with the enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (U.S. Government, 2001), which treats tutoring under the guise of “supplemental educational services” as a panacea for students in “failing” schools.