The professional's privilege to practice usually is granted by his or her professional organization.

Most marital and family therapists are members of the American Psychological Association.

Teachers of marital and family therapy need to he charismatic figures.

More than 90% of the states license or certify MFTs for independent practice.

State certification is stronger than state licensure.

Not all states grant licenses to persons who are licensed or certified in another state.

Generally, one needs a business license as well as an occupational license in order to practice.

It is the responsibility of the professional to know how many CEUs are required by his or her licensing board.

The major reason for joining a professional organization is to be able to practice one's profession.

The International Family Therapy Association certifies individuals for practice around the world.

Qualitative research is concerned primarily with correlations.

In-depth interviews are characteristic of qualitative research.

Inductive reasoning is used more in qualitative research than in quantitative research.

Hans Selye advised us to avoid stress at all costs.

The best way to avoid burnout is to focus more closely on one's work.