Adlerian family therapists believe that all human beings have feelings of inferiority stemming from early childhood.

Adlerian family therapy sees the past as having little influence on how people interact in their families today.

Adlerians believe that it is important to have social interest or community feeling in order to be emotionally healthy.

Genograms are messages that the family sends to the transgenerational therapist.

Differentiation and triangulation are critical concepts in Bowenian or transgenerational family therapy.

In transgenerational family therapy, the “I-position” is a model of communication in which a statement of opinion or belief is delivered clearly and fervently.

Boszormenyi-Nagy's contextual family therapy addresses the ethical dimensions of family development.

Fairness, decency, reciprocity, and accountability determine the healthy functioning of a family within contextual family therapy.

In contextual family therapy, personal growth and symptomatic relief come as a result of facing emotional conflicts.

Object relations family therapy views individuals as being more attached to objects than to people.

Transference, interpretation, and insight play a vital role in object relations family therapy.

The goal of object relations family therapy is to free the family from conscious conflicts and to create new and more productive strategies for interaction.

According to object relations family therapy, we identify our object relations as either all good or all bad and begin to project these qualities onto others in our environment.

MRI therapists believe that the solutions a family uses to alleviate a problem often contribute to the continuation of the problem.

MRI brief family therapy contends that family problems cannot improve unless all family members are committed to change.

In MRI Brief family therapy, sometimes the customer is not the person with the problem.

The focus of MRI Brief family therapy is primarily on the future.

Strategic family therapists view behavioral change as more important than insight and understanding.

In strategic family therapy, it is necessary or anticipated that clients will attain insight into the source of their problems.

One of the unusual aspects of strategic family therapy is that techniques are customized to suit specific problems.

Mental problems or illnesses serve a purpose for the family in strategic family therapy.

Structural family therapists believe that the family structure from previous generations plays a critical role in how families interact in the present.

Structural family therapists pay particular attention to boundaries and their impact on family functioning.

In structural family therapy, there are four major types of boundaries.