Great writers, thinkers, jurists, and fools have tried to come up with a definition of "Art" for centuries and with little success. As far as the author concerns, True Art is usually something thoughtfully rendered, personal, provoking, surprising, unusual, original, creative, courageous, and independent. His parents were European immigrants who revered education and encouraged reading. The public library was a sacred place for him. True Art exists almost outside of society even though it may enlighten and benefit society. Movies that are consumed by the masses are Popular Art. Movies are Popular Art because they are dependent on popular tastes and cater to and even inflame the desires of the mass market. Movies are usually audience-tested before completion and then changed according to market research. Movies don't hold much stock in personal vision. They may start off that way but because of their collaborative and product-to-market nature, they rarely are personal reflections of a single artist.