In this chapter we offer guidance to assist writing program adm inistrators (W PAs) in identifying legal issues. Ju lia K. Ferganchick’s “Contrapow er H arassm ent” (chap. 22) in this collection provides a unique approach from which to consider the more specific issue o f teacher harassm ent in the w rit­ ing classroom and also includes additional practical guidance. However, we have used our own experiences and reports published in the Chronicle of Higher Education to identify som e o f the more com m on legal issues facing adm inistrators in colleges and universities. T he issues presented here cover a wide area o f adm inistrative duties dealing with personnel and student concerns. T hese concerns include contracts, sexual harassm ent, copyright laws, disclosures by students, syllabi, disruptive behavior, student records, plagiarism , hiring practices and personnel evaluations, letters o f recom ­ m endation, and disability resources.