The causal model for most adult readers is not exactly the same as it was presented in Figure 1-5, Chapter 1. Adult readers were defined earlier as 8th graders and older, that is AgeGE ≥8.0 or age 13.4 and older; notice that this definition of an adult is at variance with a common requirement that individuals be age 16 and older. Most adults are at raudamaticity, and the causal model needs to be modified for all readers who are at raudamaticity. Furthermore, most adult readers have become advanced readers, that is, they have reached the eighth-grade level or higher on verbal level and pronunciation level (VL≥ 8.0, PL≥8.0), and all advanced readers are assumed to be at raudamaticity. Therefore, for most adults, the model needs to be modified because some of the constructs in the model no longer have the same proximal causes that they had for most lower-grade readers and most middle-grade readers.