In recent years, the whole-language approach to reading instruction has been used by many teachers in the lower grades (kindergarten, first grade, and second grade). This approach will be described, and then it will be evaluated as a possible cause of high reading achievement, using the knowledge that has been acquired by scientists during the last 20 years. This approach to teaching beginning readers will also be evaluated by comparing it to the causal model; it is relevant to the two teaching and learning factors in Echelon 4 of the model as described in Chapter 1. Before continuing, it should be acknowledged that some advocates of whole language have referred to it as an approach (e.g., Weaver, 1988), but most have referred to these ideas and recommended activities as a philosophy, a theory, or a movement (Altwerger, Edelsky, & Flores, 1987; K.S. Goodman, 1986; Watson, 1989).