The slow diphthongs [ij, ei, uw, ou] (with a long first element, have been placed with their first element; the quick diphthongs [ai. au, oi] have been placed at the end of the chapter.

Broad [1]. 15.11. Articulatio,,: hfw. Lips unrounded (a4.)i the

point of the tongue resting behind the lower front teeth (p e); the front of the tongue raised at the hard palate (T 4r).-The velum palati shuts off the nose passage (b 0), and the vocal chords vibrate (€ 1); as all English vowels have the last two features in common, it will not be necessary to repeat them in describing the following vowels.-The phonetic notation [I] by which it is dif· ferentiated from the thin (narrow) [iJ, has not been carried through in the examples except where necessary (in 16.14).