Tailored health communication is assessment-based. Therefore, once the background

research process has been completed and key determinants of change have been

identified, each individual’s status on these determinants must be measured. Although

some tailoring data may be obtained from existing databases such as a patient’s

computerized medical record (Rimer & Glassman, 1998), in most cases a tailoring

assessment questionnaire must be developed to gather this information. This phase in the

process of developing a tailored health communication program is primarily a

questionnaire construction task. The objective is to create an assessment that is thorough

in addressing all important determinants, yet relatively brief and simple for participants to

complete, and easy to administer. Its questions should be conceptually clear and easily

understood by participants, and should offer a wide enough range of response options to

capture most of the variation among individuals on the key determinants. This chapter

describes how to construct a tailoring assessment questionnaire that has these
