During their second tour of duty, Army enlisted personnel are expected to become considerably more expert in their positions and to begin taking on supervisory and leadership responsibilities. This is analogous to the first promotion to a supervisory position in the private sector. As in civilian human resource management, a number of critical questions arise with regard to selection and promotion decisions for supervisory and leadership positions. This chapter addresses the following: To what extent do pre-employment (i.e., pre-enlistment) measures predict performance beyond the entry level, or first term of enlistment? Does early performance predict later performance, when additional responsibilities such as supervision are required? What is the optimal combination of selection and classification test information and first-tour performance data for predicting second-tour job performance? This chapter summarizes the results of analyses intended to answer these and other questions. Recall, as described in Chapters 9 and 11, that both the concurrent and longitudinal samples were followed into their second tour of duty and their performance was assessed again.