This chapter is concerned with the production and presentation and analysis of data in quantitative form. It will include a discussion of the more common forms of data presentation as tables and charts. We will also be introducing the use of statistics in the analysis of quantitative data. We have included instructions for calculating several statistical measures. These may be helpful if your use of statistics is to be very limited and if your data is in a suitable form. In general, you would be better advised to make use of computer facilities, such as SPSS or a spreadsheet, for your statistical work. We have not introduced these facilities for two reasons. Firstly, it would have involved us in introducing the use of at least one computer software package, which would have extended the length of the chapter considerably. Secondly, as former teachers of mathematics, we believe that there is considerable value in running through the simpler computations to get some sense of how the mathematics is working, of what is going on inside the computer’s head.