Primary classteachers require leadership and support to teach design and technology as part of the primary curriculum. Primary schools require leadership in design and technology education to ensure coverage, balance, continuity and progression for all children. In the primary context design and technology is taught as part of a broad curriculum of nine subjects, often but not always as part of an integrated topic or theme. The response of most primary schools to the challenge of teaching a broad and balanced curriculum is to plan thoroughly and to delegate responsibility for the management of subjects and aspects. This book articulates and details the role of the coordinator for design and technology. It includes advice about priorities and actions and considers the development that you might encourage as a design and technology coordinator. This is done in such a way as to make it possible for students, teachers (including those newly qualified and others new to the subject] to develop professionally as they establish the needs of the school and to begin to address them. Evaluation will be stressed as part of the role and as a contribution to schools’ systems for monitoring and evaluating aspects of the curriculum. Perhaps the biggest challenge for subject coordinators, particularly those who have recently trained, is to develop and maintain a whole-school view while maintaining a focus on individual development by children.