London Robertson, R (1992) Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture, Sage

Publications, London There is also a useful introduction to and overview of these themes in: Best, S and Kellner, D (1991) Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations,

Guilford Press, New York For examples of the ideas of lifelong learning and the ‘learning society’

see the following policy documents: European Commission (1995) Teaching and Learning: Towards the Learning

Society (White Paper on Education and Training), Commission of the European Communities, Brussels

European Commission (2000) A Memorandum on Lifelong Learning, SEC (2000), Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, p 1832

European Commission (2001) Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning Reality, COM (2001), Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, p 678 final

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (1996) Lifelong Learning For All, OECD, Paris

theories of adult learning, and including some good examples and applications illustrating the main theories, is:

Lovell, B (1980) Adult Learning, Croom Helm, London For an excellent book, written by a number of scholars from the United

Kingdom and Sweden, containing papers based on empirical research and introducing readers to the experience of learning from the learners’ perspective, see: