The Code of Practice for the Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in Higher Education, normally referred to as ‘the Code of Practice’, or simply ‘the Code’ is a set of guidelines for ensuring good quality of education in all aspects of provision. Although sometimes referred to as the Codes of Practice there is in fact only one Code of Practice comprising 10 sections. The Code is central to the overall quality framework promoted by the QAA in several ways. Administratively, it links the FHEQ, subject benchmark statements (SBSs) and institutional audit arrangements. Politically, it reflects the authority of the agency to lay down an agenda for QA, but acknowledges the autonomy of institutions to address that agenda according to their own mission and local circumstances. The Code of Practice is also notably broad in scope. It deals with issues ranging from ‘External examining’ (section 4) to ‘Collaborative provision’ (section 2), and the entire student experience from ‘Recruitment and admissions’ (section 10) to ‘Careers education, information and guidance’ (section 8)—for an overview of the Code’s sections see Table 6.1 at the end of this chapter. Like the FHEQ, the Code was established in response to the Dearing and Garrick reports into higher education.