So this is what I am: a resistant, collectively-aspirational woman who challenges the material and spiritual oppressions of a society that devalues people of my class and gender. A woman who is also miserable. I do want to moan. Many of the keywords I associate with my working-classness are negative. My list goes: us, deprivation, unease, pride, shame, unjustness, not fair, fight,

other, them, us, us, us, we. I spring (active passive) from it, derive from it, abandon it. I am of it. I hurt. And bits of it were good. Are good. Dispossessed. I see that things (not just me) need changing. I see that the scale of the necessary change is so great that it can’t be achieved alone. Nor would it be right to attempt to do so because this is our change-and not individual personal consumerist salvation.