Nandaka was a who had no particular power or prowess. When he was slapped and thumped he felt furious and thought to himself, ‘The. reason why all the celestial beings hold me in contempt is that I am

31. Śiva, and ask a boon of him. Let (31) him grant that my index finger should become a weapon. Then I shall point it at all that horde and make them fall into the outer Cakravāla. That will serve them right for looking down on me and slapping and rapping my head!’ With this in mind, Nandaka presented himself before Śiva and said, bowing low before him, ‘My lord, I, who am here before you, am your servant, keeper of the gate of your palace for many a long year. I have never received a single gift from you. But now all the celestial beings, the sons of the gods, the nāgas and the despise me, my lord, and on every occasion they slap me and rap me on the head. I am incensed with rage and I ask you, my master, to bestow a certain boon 32. on me.(32) Will you grant that my right index finger should become a weapon-finger with the power to point at that vulgar rabble and make them flee far away from me, pellmell? Then I shall be able to stay and carry out my duties to you, my lord, in contentment.’ When the great lord Śiva heard this, he was sorry for Nandaka. He took hold of the index finger of his right hand, raised it up and recited a formula, bestowing the boon, all in a moment, through his own personal might. And the index finger became a weapon, exactly as Nandaka wanted it to be.