This study is the outcome of a two-year project, sponsored by the Mediterranean

Program of the European University Institute’s Robert Schuman Centre for

Advanced Studies, which aimed to bring a new perspective to the study both of

Middle Eastern-European relations and of Foreign Policy Analysis of

developing states – hoping to contribute, in order words, both to the discipline

of International Relations and to Middle East Area Studies. The ‘Middle East’ is

used here as encompassing the Arab world plus Iran, Turkey and Israel

(although Israeli policy itself is not part of our enquiry, as it is not a developing

state, features quite different dynamics, and has, in any case, received

considerably more attention already). An alternative label spells out the

inclusion of the Maghreb by specifying the region of interest as ‘The Middle

East and North Africa’, or ‘MENA’ region – the latter acronym having become

familiar in a number of policy fora and initiatives.