In the documentary film “The Life and Times of Harvey Milk”—the story of the late, gay rights and coalition leader—one of the people who knew him tells of how he learned that Harvey died. When he heard the news that Mayor Moscone and Milk had been shot he immediately drove to downtown San Francisco, thinking as did thousands of others, that there was no where else in the world he could be at that moment in history. He ended up parking far away from city hall and took a back alley hurrying to get to the front of the building only to see police rolling Milk out on a gurney, his whole body covered with a black tarp except for his feet. In his craziness this man remembers that all he could think about was “I had no idea that Harvey's feet were so big.” Having shown this film in my sociology classes many times, I have often wondered why the producers left that scene in, why the line about Harvey's big feet?