Some generalizations emerge Irom comparisons of hunting by Pan lro,g/or/.yte.l' at Mahale, Gomhe, and Tai. 12 The major prey species is the red colobus monkey (Proc%bll.l' badills), accounting felr more than 80 per cent of kills at Gomhe and l\lahale.1:1 The probability of capturing a red colohus monkey increases with the numbcr of hunters; at Gomhe, if 10 or more individuals take part in a hunt, then it is ncar 100 per cent certain that a kill will he made. II Hunting is mostly a male activity but females do hunt and, depending 011 the fidd site, account liJr I H -29 per cent of the total kills. I:, Given that adult males sometimes steal or pirate fresh carcasses, these figures may be an underestimate of female hunting; but, once a carcass is in a male's possession, he controls access to it. In 24 such episodes at l'vlahale, 10 carcasses were taken by the alpha male. Hi \Vhen multiple kills occur, this may draw community memhers together lor hour~· scvcn individuals were killed and consumed over an alternoon at Gomhe. II Hunting is seasonal, and gi\'t~n the ecological parameters of the lidd site, one can predict a marked increase . k d' d' . I f' I In m mon "ey pre at IOn urmg c('rtam mont 1S 0 t Ie year.