O Level (See Ordinary Level) objectives There are number of different interpretations of this word in an

educational context. Behavioural objectives are concerned with the desirable changes in behaviour of pupils to be brought about by formulating specific objectives at the beginning of a course. Such an approach is criticised on the grounds that it is too deterministic, that the outcomes may be trivial, and that it is not applicable to the arts and humanities. One writer, Elliot Eisner, therefore suggested the additional need for expressive objectives, in some aspects of the curriculum, where the predicted terminal behaviour is not fixed in advance. It is important, too, for teachers to distinguish between the shortterm and the long-term objectives they wish to achieve. (See also aims, objectives teaching)

objectives teaching The objectives model of teaching seeks to evaluate pupil performance in any curriculum area against an agreed list of curriculum objectives. It implies that the teacher has already formulated, clarified and written down objectives which he or she wishes to attain, and is the medium through which the recording and evaluation of pupil performance takes place.