Oakley (Gloucestershire), VI 195-6n Observator, V 118n, 457 Ockley, Simon (translator), III.i 58n Octavius, in AP poem, VI 66 Odin, in AP poem, II 264 “Odious”, in AP poems, III.ii 36 and n, 53 Odysses, in AP poem, I 465 Odyssey. Entries occur under Homer or names of

translators. See especially AP entry, Works Oechalia, in AP poem, I 385 Oedipus, in AP poems, I 410, 413, 424, 444 Oenides, in AP poem, I 434 Oenomäus, in AP poem, I 426 and n Oete, in AP poem, I 417 and n Of Good Nature, an attack on Ep. to Burlington,

III.ii 138n Ogilby, John, in AP poems, V 78 and n, 94 and

n, 280, 294; trans. Virgil’s Eclogues, I 72n, 73n, 77n, 79n, 82n, 83n, 321n; II 180n; trans. Virgil’s Georgics, II 253n; trans. Aeneid, VII cviii; AP debt to his trans., VII xl, cviii n, cxii, cxxix, cxxxvi, cxl, clii, clvi, ccxxi; X 494, 508; trans. Homer, I 331, 353, 417n; VII xxxv, lxxxiv, cvii-cviii, cxxxvii n, cxlvii, cxlviii, cxlix and n, cl n, clii, clvi n, clx, 212, 166, 207, 223, 310; X 36, 233, 440, 476-7, 578; compared to other trans., VII cxlviii, clx; characteristics of trans., VII cxviii-cxx; facts about his Homer, VII cix; trans. Iliad, VII xxxix, cxxvii; X 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 515-17, 575, 579-81, 584; trans. Odyssey, I 466n; VII cxi, cxxv; X 495, 506, 507, 508; plates in his Iliad, VIII xiv; other ref., I 4n; V xlv

Ogle, George, II 4

Oglethorpe, J.E., Biog., IV 375; in AP poem, IV 185

O’Hara. See Tyrawley Oileus, in AP poem, I 453 Okes, Nicholas, II 112 Oldfield, Anne, Biog., IV 375; in AP poems, IV

75, 223 and n; VI 113-15 and n, 410 and n, 438 and n; other ref., III.ii 36n

Oldfield, Richard, Biog., IV 375; in AP poems, IV 54n, 55, 171; other ref., V 402n

Oldham, John (poet and translator), AP knowledge of his work, IV xxvi n; practises poetical “imitation”, IV xxvi-xxvii, 34n; other ref., I 47, 79n, 80n, 90n, 91n, 92n, 93n, 260n, 264n, 308n, 312n, 313n, 318n; II 112, 260n, 345n; III.i 122n, 130n, 150n, 152n; V xxxix, 86n, 100n, 287n, 340n, 365n, 392n

Oldisworth, William, as translator of Dacier Iliad, VII xiii, xvii-xviii n, xl n, cix; VIII xii; X 495, 504. See also Ozell

Oldmixon, John, Biog., IV 375; V 450; attacks AP, II 90n; V 25 f., 207n, 208, 209, 211, 232n, 233n; praises AP, V 29, 40; in AP poems, IV 31, 106; V 125-6 and n, 134, 309 and n; other ref., I 252n; II 159n, 199n, 293n, 294 ff., 357n; IV 200n; V xvi, xlv, xlvii, 178n, 186 f.,

Oldys, William (antiquary), III.ii 44, 59, 112n; VI 396n

Oliver, William (physician), VI 384n Olympus, in AP poems, I 151, 170; II 135, 203 Omar, Caliph, V 156n Ombre, in AP poems, II 134, 150, 171, 197; other

ref., I 320n; II 383-92; III.ii 71n; VI 24

One Epistle to Mr A.Pope, II 226n Onslow (adulterer in AP poem), IV 89 and n Onslow, Arthur, Biog., IV 375-6; in AP poems,

IV 31, 335; his opinions quoted, IV 345, 349, 379, 381; other ref., III.ii 92n

Opera, in AP poems, V 334n, 345 ff., 374 f., 395 f.