[170] After hearing Badai and Kishiliq, Chinggis Qahan believed them. That same night, he passed on the information to those at his side whom he trusted. To lighten themselves, they shed their belongings and retreated that same night. They passed by the northern side of the Mau 375 Heights, 376 where [Chinggis Qahan] left Jelme-go’a of the Uriangqad, whom he trusted, to act as rearguard. [Then] he posted scouts and moved on. [He and the others] continued on their journey. The next day, at Qalaqaljit Sands, they stopped to rest and eat [from] noontime [until] the sun [began] to set. 377 While they were resting, Alchidai told the herders Chigidei and Yadir to take his geldings to new pastures. As they herded the geldings, [Chigidei and Yadir] saw the dust of the enemy approaching by way of Hula’an-buruqat on the southern side of the Mau Heights. The enemy is drawing near,’ 378 they said, and drove [back] the geldings. [Chinggis Qahan], told that the enemy were on their way, watched them raising the dust [as] they travelled through Hula’anburuqat 379 on the southern side of the Mau Heights. He said: ‘That is the Ong Qan coming after [us].’