Cheng1 ChienI Tul, Superintendent of the Central Mint; 3A, and a ii'i: M *Je.l ~ ~U I): if Tsa04 Pi4 Tsnng3 Ch'ang3 Fu4 Ohient Tnl, Assistant Superintendent of the Central Mint; 4A.

551B. :ii! Wf jj-PJi!i Tsa04 Pi4 FenI Oh'angS, Mints (or Branches of the Central Mint). These are situated in the prm'inces and each l'l directed by ·a ~ flW 7t Ie .IE I): if Tsao4. Pi4 Fen] Ch'ang3 Cheng4 ChienI Tu!, :Mint Superintendent (or Superintendent of a Branch of the Central Mint); 3A, and a ~ flW 7t If ~O I): 'If T!a04 Pi4 FenI Ch'ang3 Fu4 OhienI Tu\. Assistant Mint.Snperintendent (or Assistant Superintendl!nt of a. Branch of the Oentral Mint) ; 4A.