Being convinced of the detrimental influence of a system of ~ecentralization, the Government is bending itself to a policy of subordinating to the Ministries everything that is of general importance (education, finance, military affairs, police and jnstice)

Interior (see Nos. 339 to 348). 4. Jl st $ Tu4 ChihI Pu·, Ministry (Board) of Finance

(see Nos. 349 to 375), 5. mt l'fB LiS Pu·, :Ministry (Board) of Rites (see Nos. 37u

to 394), 6. * l'fB Hsileh2 Pu·, Ministry (Board) of Education

277 8. 1! tR Fa' Pu', Ministry (Boord) of Justice (see Nos. 438 to 459),

9. .. I J8i tI~ Nung2 Kung1 Shang1 Pu', Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce (Nos. 460 to 471),

10. jJ 18 ftl~ Yu1 Ch'uan2 Pu" Ministry of Posts ana Communications (see Nos. 472 to 490), and

11. :£.m. tR Li3 Fan], Pu4, Ministry (Board) of Dependencies (see Nos. 491 to 499).