Chiang\ Blacksmith (eight in a battalion of troops of transport; 681 four in a cavalry division; six in an artillery division), 6. * IOC Mu4 Chiang', Carpenter (four in a battalion of engineers and troops of transport; three in an artillery division), 7. ~ IlC P'i2 Chiang!, Dhoemaker (four in a battalion of infantry and troops of transport; two in a battalion of engineers; two i~ a cavalry division; three in an artillery division), 8. Wi • ~ Pei4 Pus Ping\ Private of Reserve (one in each squad), 9. 11c * Huos Ful, Cook (nine in a corps, five in a division, two in a brigade, two in a regiment, thirty-eight in an infantry battalion, eighteen in a cavalry d! . <I:\ion, thirty-one in an artillery division, forty in an engint!ers battalion and forty-one in a battalion of troops of transport), 10. ;wg jJ! '* Chia4 Ch'e1 Pingl, Private of Transport Troops (four in infantry and engineers battalions and in cavalry division; six in a division of field artillery), 11. Un ~ * Wei4 YangS Ful, Foragers (four in infantry and engineers battalions and in a cavalry division; six in a division of field artillery; eighteen in a division of mountain artillery), 12. .m *: 13 ):[a3 Fu1 Mu4, Senior Stableman (eight in a battalion of troops of transport, four in a division of cavalry and three in a division of artillery), 13. .~:Ie MaS :Fu\ Stableman (seventy in a battalion of troops of transport, thirty-two in a cavalry division, and thirty-nine in an artillery division), and 14. fi l&R * Kuaus T 0 4 Ping!, Packer (eighteen in a division of mountain artillery).