The sections of the provinces of Kuangsi, Kueichow, Yunnan and Szechwan which are inhabited exclusively by the .. =f Miao' Tzus, and other aboriginal tribes, al'C, in some cases, organized into prefectures, departments or districts ruled by hereditary Prefects, Department Magistrates or District Magistrates, who bear the ordinary Chinese official titles with the charactet' ± T'us, prefixed, for instance, ± J{f Tills :Fu$, ± !N'I T'us Chou!, and ± .. T'ns Hsien4•

The process of changing the status of a tribe, i,e. introducing the ordinary system of government in place of the direct government by an hereditary chieftain, is denoted by the phrase Qt ± :tl$ m Kais T'us Wei2 Lin2 (or ~ ± _ vrc Kai3 T'u~ Kuei1 Liu2).