The forciyn hand dest1'oys the well-conditioned both "populonF3" and cc in a good

Htate of repair or cultivation."

They met a monkey making 'I.ootel' in a. rnos'1u,e, Ie Dost thon lIot .fi!(,(1·," SQ.id they, "that the Lord ma.y tran.iform or metam01phosc the.e?" (ee Indeed,") 1'epl'ied he, (" I should fear that pltni.~hment) if he were to change me into a Gazelle." This refers to conceited perRons. Gazelles and




monkies, according to Eastern nations, represent the extremes of beauty and ugliness. "May God metamorphose thee I" is a common expression of insult; to which is frequently added, IC may he change thee into a dog or a hog I"

Here is to be understood'

Oust01fl, is a fifth nature. Arnbian physiologists divide the human character

into four natural classes; the choleric the bilious the melancholy (~,,\.,),...), and the phlegmatic

The bad 'fIci,qhbour sees only what e'fIters (the house), not what goes ont (from. it).