Even if modern science and modern Christianity are gravely at variance, the leading scientists of the day are rediscovering the truths of the Wisdom which is older than any religion. Sir James Jeans, in The Mysterious Universe, has written: ‘The universe can best be pictured…as consisting of pure thought’, and that ‘its creation must have been an act of thought’. This is pure Vedanta and pure Buddhism, and it is the basis of Theosophy. The Essence of Mind, as the Patriarch Wei Lang described it, the Universal Mind of modern philosophy, is ‘intrinsically pure’, and each of our human minds is an outpost of that ‘cosmic consciousness’. What is the relation between the two? ‘Thou art THAT,’ says the Wisdom of India. ‘Look within, thou art Buddha,’ says the numerically largest religion in the world. Man is enlightened but knows it not. ‘I and my Father are one,’ said Christ, the Christos or ‘God within’ of every man. The difference between an enlightened and an unenlightened man is only this, said Wei Lang, that one knows it and the other does not. But between the two states of consciousness there lies a Way, a long and weary way from the might-be to the has-become, a way of becoming until the littlest blade of grass has entered Buddhahood, until each 100living thing has re-become what it potentially is, the All.