Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China and is directly administered by the central government. Beijing is the centre for China’s political, scientific, cultural and international activities. It is also one of the largest industrial, financial and trading cities in China. Greater Beijing occupies a geographical area of 16,808 km2. As at the end of 1996, the number of registered residents in Greater Beijing was 10.777 million, and the total population was approximately 12.594 million. The gross domestic product (GDP) was RMB1,6l5 billion in 1996 (RMB8.3=1 US$) and the gross national product (GNP) was RMB160.7 billion. Per capita GDP was RMB15,044. In 1996, the average salary of the employed worker in Beijing was RMB9,550,

and the total savings of Beijing citizens were RMB170.7 billion. There are 6 million residents in Beijing City, together with an influx of 1.8 million from other parts of China and overseas. In 1995 the population density reached 637 persons/km2 (Beijing Statistical Bureau, 1997). It is the second most densely populated city in China.