In 1902, Harold Sanderson appointed CFA Voysey as the designer for an extension to their main factory. This building design appeared as the antithesis of the famous houses. It looked like a functional rectangular box which was emphasized by the white glazed bricks, used to reflect the light. The roof form that had been the essential expression of the house designs was hidden behind a parapet wall. An amusing feature is the railway carriage linking the two facades at third floor level. This was Voysey’s only factory and the style is unlike any of his extensive portfolio of buildings. Yet it is not an aberration. There are similar features on the drawings of both the Lincoln Grammar School and the Carnegie Library at Limerick. These projects demonstrate an embryonic urban style that was sadly only fulfilled at Chiswick (Hitchmough 1995). The design was completed within Voysey’s main period of exhibiting at the Royal Academy. However, the illustrated

perspective is by the architect and there was no watercolour by Howard Gaye for exhibition purposes (see Fig. 4.18). Perhaps Voysey felt that a factory was not an appropriate subject or that the style would be too shocking.