The purpose of this study was to investigate respiratory movement during a golf shot. Eight males were tested using the 5 iron club for golf. The subjects were four skilled golfers (handicap 7±0.7) and four unskilled golfers (handicap 29±4) for this study. To analyze the point of the address top, ball impact, and finish during the swing, the swing phase of the VTR tapes (60 fps) was used and Electromyographic (EMG) rectified activities of four muscles, l.m.deltoideus(del), l.m.extensor carpi ulnaris (ecu) and, r.l.m. obliquus externus abdominis (oea), and respiratory waves were recorded during the golf swing. The EMG signals were amplified and rectified before being measured with a digital oscilloscope. The results of this study indicated the following conclusion: rectified and averaged EMG of oea (1), and oea(r) before impact was less than the discharge in case of skilled golfers than unskilled golfers (p<.05). Respiratory waves during golf swing motions, appeared at the impact point or prior to impact. It was noted that the skilled golfers had shallow breathing in swing motion, but unskilled golfers had deep irregular breathing (p<.05).