Soccer players cover about 10 km and need to sprint repeatedly within irregular intervals during a 90 minute game. They must also display some specialized skills of soccer (Ekblom, 1986; Kirkendall, 1985; Rellly, 1986). Considering energy delivery systems, both aerobic and anaerobic capacities make up a soccer player's physical fitness. Until now, studies have been made of the players' actions by using match analysis techniques. Short duration maximal efforts (the type of exercise used in the ATP-CP system) appear approximately every 5 s and after 30 to 60 s of aerobic recovery, then once again, maximal exercise is performed (Nagahama et al., unpublished data). This pattern of exercise is intermittent, and requires both aerobic and anaerobic capacities (Saltin et al., 1976). There have been, thus far, few reports made in the scientific field of this type of study, especially involving soccer.