As a country lauded with the highest broadband rates1 and with the best IT policies2 in the world, South Korea (henceforth Korea) provides a fascinating picture of twenty-fi rst century postmodernity. Central to this vignette is the image of turbo-capitalism3 in which new media-such as mobile and Web 2.04 technologies-has been deployed within Korea’s own version of technoculture. Boasting one of the oldest Social Networking Systems (SNS), Cyworld mini-hompy, that is accessed by over one-third (18 million out of 48 million) of the population daily, an active blogosphere5 and netizen media such as OnMyNews, Korea provides a pivotal model for twentyfi rst century technoculture. Indeed one of Korea’s most famous industries is online gaming and its attendant industries such as e-sports that have enamoured the global gaming industry as a possible future model.