This chapter will touch upon some of the central elements of the therapy process as they are represented in dreams depicting the figure of therapist and metaphors of the therapy process itself. The discussion seeks to illuminate the ways dreams can reveal the complex therapeutic field, one in which many vectors interweave. Thus, it may strike the reader as complicated, requiring intuitive as well as rational understanding. This is no different from the nature of the therapeutic interaction itself, however. Yet, in its attempt to separate some of the strands of the rich matrix, the discussion may also appear too simple, too abstract, and lacking the multidimensional life that every dream evokes — especially such dreams of the therapeutic field itself. We do not seek to simplify or reify the aspects involved in the whole field. Rather we would hope to provide focus on and circumambulate some of the issues and problems that are likely to arise when such dreams are brought. The field of the therapy, as well as the relativity of the observing analyst within it, are brought up for comment by the Guiding Self of the dreamer/analysand and sometimes by the therapist’s dreams as well.