From FY1962 to FY1969 (July 1, 1961 to June 30, 1969), the Dominican Republic received $402.3 million in U.S. economic aid. (see Table 6.1) This made the country the fourth highest recipient of Alliance for Progress funding.1 As with other aid recipients, the timing of aid to the Dominican Republic followed a pattern closely connected to political events. The United States did not offer funding to Rafael Trujillo, an odious military dictator, but following his assassination, his family’s exile, and the creation of a democratic regime, the United States began to offer tentative but substantial support. However, the bulk of aid sent to the Dominican Republic came during, and in the aftermath of, the military intervention in 1965. After determining that it was necessary to send soldiers to ensure political stability, it made sense to send money to ensure that economic systems would also be stable.