Courant, 765: \!-'t-<:ff .9-1 Wi5K~~ Namsong Yon\ii, "Romance of the Southern Sung". Southern Sung is 1127-1280. Works of similar titles are known in China.

'ei"~.Jl~ Namwon Kosa: see 460 ~~{::! Cb'unhyang cbO.n

74. hliit{:! Nam Yun cbOn Kim Kldong, 569-575, describes Wi!tlf!J Nam Yun ch°'.1, "The Stdry of Nam Yun", from a late Yi Dynasty manuscript of 86 pages (12 columns, 26 syllables), as the story of the love of Nam Yun during the wars of 1592-1597 (see 366 2:1B~ lmjin nok). He does not appear to be historical.