Kim Kidong, 596, lists Jit~tJEWRilc Murung Towon ki (presumably) "Record of the Peach Spring at Wu-ling" as a love story in Korean set in China, existing in paperback edition(s), but not made known before. The title at least must be derived from tJW:WREc T'ao-hua-yi.ian-chi, an allegory written about 400 A.D. by llf5Jm T'ao Ch'ien ( ~i11!l00 T'ao Yuan-ming). It was advertised by Yongch'ang Sogwan before 1945, with the pre-title Iitf#.A 0 Miin, "The Five Beauties"

111. .!:f.~%1"~~~ Mumok Wang ChOngch'ung nok:

lf-~%~ ** Jf!:;fj.::Effef.,i',~ Mumok Wang Chyongt'yung nok, manuscript, 7 vols (vols 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12). [Palace] According to the librarian, a seal print on this text is of " the wife of King Yongjo", i.e. the text may be eighteenth century.