The Asami collection copy has written inside the back cover a great deal, including the information that it was in use as a lending library copy in !X-f 5f-;z (1888). Courant, 802, gives the British Museum copy, with the characters 5If ;'ii$ Chang Paek chcn, and, 3357, an apparently identical block print as in Paris. Korean sources usually give the characters 'Jlf{~1f• , but Kim Tonguk, 392, gives i)lf(l ({S) !$ -"'J 11.!l ~ 5lf1ai$ Chyang Paek chyon, Tckhung Scrim, 1923 (reprinted from 1915), 61 pages. (Kim Kidong gives a publication by Tokhung Scrim, 1915, 110 pages.)

-"'J~ ~ 5If1al$ Chyang Paek chycn, Kycngsong Sogwan, 1925, 61 pages. These two appear to have identical texts, and the title has been advertised in paperbacks also by Taesan Sorim in 1926, Tongyang Scwcn in 1925, and Yongch'ang Sogwan and Hanhi:ing SOrim in 1925.