This is the only Chi'Snju block print known now. Many copies exist, and one is reproduced in the Ewha Series, II 1-168, with a note 433-438. See Kim Tonguk, 140-147. He suggests that the first volume is a re-engraving and later than the second volume, and reports that printings were made from these blocks continuously until they were destroyed in the Korean War. The earliest date that has been suggested for them is 1870, but it is not clear what evidence there is for this. Some copies have the colophon 7tifil~W\W "Sogye Sop'o, Chi'Snju ", and some do not, and some copies printed after 1910 are dated {for instance, Kim Tonguk, 142, gives one by ~ffct:W\W Hiingsa Sop'o, 1912, and the copy in the Karam collection is given as by ~1*W~ Taga Sop'o, 1916).