The concept Ways of Thinking and Practicing (WTP) in a subject area originated in a large research project which investigated undergraduate first-and final-year teaching-learning environments in a number of disciplines across different UK universities. An important aim of the project was to develop concepts and conceptual frameworks which would help academics to think about learning and teaching and to design and review teaching-learning environments. WTP is one of several concepts which the project generated. It:

describe(s) the richness, depth and breadth of what students might learn through engagement with a given subject area in a specific context. This might include, for example, coming to terms with particular understandings, forms of discourse, values or ways of acting which are regarded as central to graduate-level mastery of a discipline or subject area. (. . .) WTP can potentially encompass anything that students learn which helps them to develop a sense of what it might mean to be part of a particular disciplinary community.