SUMMARY. This paper discusses the importance of incorporating gentle deep breathing and posture exercises into fitness programs for chair-bound elders. Instructions are given for specific breathing and posture exercises which can be successfully executed by most elderly and disabled individuals regardless of fitness level or physical performance ability. [Article copies available from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-342-9678.}

When designing a fitness program for chair-bound elders, it is important to incorporate both deep breathing and good posture routines to ensure maximum results for your clients. Whatever the senior citizen's physical ability, he or she can benefit from regular sessions of easy, effective breathing and posture exercises. Deep breathing exercises revitalize the body by fully oxygenating blood cells and can also be used to produce a

Mary Ann Wilson, RN, is the originator and host of public television's Sit and Be Fit, the gentle half hour exercise program for senior citizens. Ms. Wilson, who has extensive experience as a registered nurse specializing in rehabilitation, postpolio care, and geriatrics, serves on the National Advisory Board of the American Senior Fitness Association.