From the mouth of a curator this is a strong indictment indeed. But evidence of the local past, its presentation and the interest shown by segments of the population does vary. This chapter introduces the Takefu Renaissance citizens movement (TR) by first describing the wider field of historical interest among area individuals, as well as the historical terrain of the valley. Each topic is condensed here, but may be found described at greater length elsewhere as separate chapters (Witteveen 1997). Stories and physical traces of the local past are featured at the local history sites in the wider prefecture, and may be found across the range of historiographic genres (classes, symposia, broadcast interviews, publication, etc.). Other topics where history figures in will include education and entertainment programs on TV, along with historical references in commercial forms (souvenirs, traditional products, historical theme parks), the history found in museum displays, and lastly, the references made to local history in area events. This lead up to the Renaissance group itself provides the background for the next chapter about the group’s intersection with the town government.