This chapter is a reflection on the dispute between the Muslim Judicial Council

(MJC) and the St Cyprian’s School (SCS) development project on the evidence of

Muslim graves on a disputed piece of school property. Part of the title, ‘On a

Knife-Edge’, may give the impression that we were dealing with a dangerous

issue: heritage sites poised between life and death. I do not want to leave that

impression even though some would have thought so in August 2000, when a

public demonstration was organised at the gates of the SCS. The vociferous

protest provided fertile images and copy for newspaper editors and the public at

large. When the dispute was amicably resolved at the end of 2000, a small

report to that effect was buried deeply in the newspapers. Muslim radio stations,

which had previously aired discussion with great interest and enthusiasm, also

ignored the value of an agreement between Muslims and Christians. The process

and resolution are worth recalling and evaluating.