This book pulls together papers presented at a conference in honour of the 1981 Nobel Prize Winner for Economic Science, the late James Tobin. Among the contributors are Olivier Blanchard, Edmund Phelps, Charles Goodhart and Marco Buti.
One of the main aims of the conference was to discuss what potential role monetary policy has on economic activity and unemployment reduction in three key currency zones - the United States, European Union and Japan.

chapter 1|4 pages


Size: 0.15 MB

part I|15 pages


Size: 0.17 MB
Size: 0.18 MB

part II|79 pages

Labor market institutions and unemployment

Size: 0.59 MB

chapter 6|7 pages

Labor market institutions and unemployment in Europe

A comment on Blanchard and Wolfers
Size: 0.19 MB

chapter 7|37 pages

Labor market dynamics in the Euro-area

A model-based sensitivity analysis
Size: 0.78 MB

part III|102 pages

Structuralist causes of unemployment and monetary policy

Size: 0.51 MB
Size: 0.62 MB

chapter 10|39 pages

Monetary policy, the labor market, and pegged exchange rates

A study of the German economy
Size: 1.00 MB

part IV|69 pages

Monetary policy rules, fiscal policy, and unemployment

Size: 0.19 MB

chapter 12|21 pages

Activist stabilization policy and inflation

The Taylor rule in the 1970s
Size: 0.39 MB

chapter 13|16 pages

The Fed's monetary policy rule

Past, present, and future
Size: 0.40 MB

chapter 14|20 pages

What is the impact of tax and welfare reforms on fiscal stabilizers?

A simple model and an application to EMU
Size: 0.54 MB