In many ways this unit serves as an overview and framework for the rest of the units in the

coursebook in as much as it encompasses the whole of the marketing process from the

perspective of the steps and issues in marketing planning and budgeting. We shall be looking

at the nature and the importance of the marketing planning process working through each of

the various stages and introducing the relevant tools and concepts appropriate to each stage.

Some central areas of marketing will be considered in this unit including areas such as the

marketing audit and the related areas of so-called SWOT and PEST analysis. In addition we

shall be looking at the concept of market segmentation and how this relates to the essential

elements of targeting and positioning and the creation of an integrated and coherent marketing

mix. The nature of marketing objectives is considered and the various marketing strategies to

achieve these. Finally we shall look at implementation and control issues together with the role

of marketing research and information in developing marketing plans. We would expect you to

take about 5 hours to work through this unit and suggest you allow a further 4-5 hours to

undertake the various activities suggested. Other than your notebook and writing equipment,

you will not need anything further to complete this unit.