Telling your story is at the heart of this process. It is both time consuming and fulfilling. You will get out of it exactly what you put into it. The initial selection of the most appropriate exercise for you sets the stage for the unfolding to follow. By authoring your own story, you begin to acquire the perspective that you have indeed authored your life. Henri Nouwen, in his book Reaching Out, asks the following questions to underscore the value of this approach: “What if the events of our history are molding us as a sculptor molds his clay, and if it is only in a careful obedience to these molding hands that we can discover our real vocation and become mature people? What if our history does not prove to be a blind impersonal sequence of events over which we have no control, but rather reveals to us a guiding hand pointing to a personal encounter in which all our hopes and aspirations will reach their fulfillment?”