“How can I breath life into a billion-dollar global group that, while still growing in sales, is simply too big and too fat to move effectively in this rapidly changing world of ours?” Jacque de Savoie, the tall, spare general manager of Motorola’s Communication, Power & Signal Technologies Group (CPSTG), was voicing his thoughts to Pete Johnson, his vice-president of human resources, and to Cathy Dayton, their training and organizational development director. He was describing the major challenge of his career, the task of revitalizing this group that he had been in charge of for almost two years now. Jacque made this comment in frustration as he was looking over monthly reports, preparing for the monthly operations review that was to begin the next day. Johnson and Dayton had been working with de Savoie in addressing this question and understood his comment, but today they had a proposal for him that would make his day.